EXCERPT: ‘More than one reason to write’ from How to Make Your Book Stand Out in a Crowd – Dave and Lillian Brummet

Something a bit different today! An extract from How to Make Your Book Stand Out in a Crowd by Dave and Lillian Brummet.

First, here is the book:

Blurb: The book offers a realistic outlook on what a new author can expect and how to employ research and preparation to make a memorable first impression. Viewed realistically it is packed with statistics to assist in making informed decisions. As you put together a marketing plan, you will be able to proceed with the confidence of a seasoned writer. Getting your book into the hands of paying readers is the most important goal of a writer and with the tools to do so the sales of your book will increase dramatically!

Book ExcerptMore Than One Reason To Write

Success – at least what success means to us – is that we are leaving some kind of positive impact on the world.

This career requires a lot of redundant work, mundane query submissions and publicity efforts – only to find that these efforts resulted in just a few sales. It can feel lonely, unappreciated, isolated.

The inspiration to market books derives from the fact that we depend on our writing to help pay the bills. Authors must be self-disciplined and dedicated. There is no other choice.

Self-employment means there will be weeks with high paychecks rolling in, and then months where your bank-account contributions are completely dried up. So budgeting is really important. One can never tell, in this career, what a royalty check will reveal – or how your marketing efforts will affect sales that month.

You just have to keep plodding along, finding what seems to be working for you, for your particular situation, and have faith that your work is making a difference in the world. Writing is a powerful tool, a powerful motivator and a wonderful means that can lead to improved lives and a better society. Knowing this can ease the pain of those dry financial times.

So the point is to relax and just write. No matter what negative feelings you might have, or situations that come up and bite your rear end. Writing provides a way for the average individual to make a lasting, positive difference with the time we are given. Sometimes we have to set aside the editor in us and just write – get it out – you can always come back and fine-tune the piece. This way the emotions and words can flow without destructive inner criticism.

Writers also have to learn to allow the space to experiment and grow in this career, while letting go of their published work. You know, we all have embarrassing moments regularly! No matter how it is read, re-read, edited, rewritten, re-edited, proofread – one can almost always find an error. This can be incredibly frustrating – and sometimes, the error was not the writer’s fault. A publication might have edited the piece or there was a typo that came through due to an office staff error, or a printing error, or a formatting error. Sometimes glitches can happen due to program incompatibility or other technical issues. One just has to learn to roll with the punches, and not let these things get you down.

About the authors

Lillian and her husband Dave are the team behind Brummet Media Group, high-fiving cheerfully as they pass each other on the way from checking off one item or other from their long to-do list.

Their business includes Dave’s music studio and percussion accessory products and graphic design work as well as numerous award-winning non-fiction books and popular blogs. 

Today we help them celebrate their book Purple Snowflake Marketing – How To Make Your Book Stand Out In A Crowd (May 2021).

Visit the Brummets: www.BrummetMedia.ca


Amazon Author Page: https://amazon.com/author/lillianbrummet

Brummet’s Website: http://BrummetMedia.ca

Blog: https://consciousdiscussions.blogspot.com/

FaceBook: http://facebook.com/lillian.brummet

Twitter: https://twitter.com/brummet

2 thoughts on “EXCERPT: ‘More than one reason to write’ from How to Make Your Book Stand Out in a Crowd – Dave and Lillian Brummet

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